
Uncovering climate disinformation

Hurricanes, floods, wildfires - the climate crisis is increasingly felt in everyday life, and extreme weather events threaten lives and safety. But while climate reports sound the alarm, public debate is quieter and the space for climate policy is narrowing. Why are the voices defending fossil fuels gaining power now? What interests are behind this, and how can these networks be countered? We expose the pervasive myths and misinformation campaigns that are hampering our collective efforts to address the urgent climate crisis.This dossier unravels the web of falsehoods obstructing climate action initiatives.

Stay up to date on climate mis/disinformation and the latest developments in the counter-disinformation community with our partner EUDisinfoLab's Climate Clarity Hub.

Check out the work of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung's Climate Disinformation Media Fellows.

Watch online events' recordings to help you debunk climate myths, understand fossil fuel strategies, and advance climate action with a positive vision.

Inhalte zu Klima-Desinformation auf Deutsch

Credits: Aurélie Peters | AdGrafics.

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Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change

With the increasing deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies across society, it is important to understand in which ways AI may accelerate or impede climate progress, and how various stakeholders can guide those developments.

Previous Climate Disinformation Media Fellows

Event recordings

Cleaning the climate advertising industry - EU DisinfoLab

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Webinar: "Polluting the truth about climate change" - EU DisinfoLab

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Webinar: How platforms are responding to EU regulations to prevent climate disinformation - EU DisinfoLab

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Climate lies series | #1 How dangerous are climate lies for our democracy? - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union

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Climate lies series | #2 Right-wing populists & conspiracy groups climate lies in the German debate - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union

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How can we protect ourselves and take action against disinformation on the climate crisis? - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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